Tuesday 12 March 2013

Rough School Magazine

Here are my front cover, and contents page for my rough school magazine. I made both of these using Photoshop, and editited any images used on photoshop. I have not yet decided on a specific masthead and which coverlines shall be included on my front cover, but I have created a main image which relates closely to the main article, as I have used the select tool along with a black and white filter to make half of the school building black and white. This is to link with the main article as it shows how the development of technology has affected the nature of the school, and draws the reader to think about the changes that have occurred over time. This also creates the impression that the school has a deep history, and that it has been a significant figure throughout its lifespan.
So far for my contents page I have created a background image, which consists of a photograph of the featured school building, with an old fasioned style filter placed over the top. The reasoning for this is similar to the ideas I have used for the front cover, as it helps to create the sense of a journey associated with the particular school, and creates the impression that it has a deep history.

Rough front cover:

Rough contents:

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