Monday 18 March 2013

Masthead Ideas For Music Magazine

I have stuck to typical conventions of modern music magazines, in which the masthead is incredibly short, no more than a couple of words long. Here the ideas I have had are either sharp, impacting words such as 'Havoc' or 'Collision', which create a sense of aggression to reflect the nature of the music featured in the magazine, or bery short statements such as 'Start Something' or 'Come Alive', which both create the feel of a break of convention associated with the magazine, again reflecting the musical content featured. The idea '28 Beats Later' is a play on words reltating to the films '28 Days Later' and '28 Weeks Later', altered here to relate to a musical genre. I have decided to use the idea 'Havoc' as the final masthead, as I feel it suits all of the conventions for my magazine, and definitely reflects the musical content featured with the magazine.

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