Thursday 14 March 2013


So far i am happy with my school magazine, and I think that it fits well with conventions of real similar products. I think that I have developed several skills in using Photoshop throughout the creation of this product, such as the use of different filters where I have changed the colour of a section of the school building to black and white on the front cover, and these skills will be transferable when creating my Music magazine. I have finished designing the front cover and contents page of my music magazine, and i have started looking at ideas for the audience profile for this, which I have decided will be aimed towards a teenage-young adult age range, of mostly a male gender. I have also edited several music magazines, commenting on aspects such as taglines, main image, and masthead, exploring the effects created through different techniques. I am going to start listing ideas for my music magazine, such as masthead ideas, coverlines and house styles. I want to focus on reflecting sterotypical conventions of similar style of magazines through these features, for example I plan on creating a masthead that is simply one word or abbreviation, as this will have more of an impact when placed on the front cover, and also design the masthead so that it reflects the genre characterstics. I am considering using a relatively dark house style to reflect stereotypical features of the genre, as similar magazines such as Kerrang! and NME use similar styles to this in order to reflect the nature of the content featured.
   I think that in order to make my music magazine more successful than my school magazine I will need to take more care in the use of colour schemes and styles. This is because, paricularly on my School magazine Contents page there was some considerable difficulty reading the text, as it didn't stand out too well agianst the background, and so to avoid a similar problem with my music magazine I will be using a darker, mostly black and white house style, and so the use of bright text on a darker background should prevent this problem. I will also need to take more care with the organisation of each page, as there was a problem with the front cover of my school magazine where the dateline ran slightly over the right side of the page, and so I will take a lot more care with the placement of text and images with my music magazine.

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